Exploration & Production of Oil & Natural Gas

Infinity Natural Resources FZC is a young E&P Company focused on monetizing discovered and stranded oil and gas resources by implementing new technologies, operational efficiency and faster execution with highest standard of safety and sustainability. Operating philosophy of Infinity Natural Resources FZC is to acquire, develop and exploit green and brown fields available for private players in Russia and Russian Federation region. Accordingly, Infinity Natural Resources FZC has already acquired through its US based subsidiary a 49% interests in an operating company based in USA for HUB field located in Mississippi. The process to acquire two oil & gas fields located in the realm of Middle Caspian basin petroleum province in Dagestan of Russian Federation is in advance stage.

Operating Philosophy

We are focused to develop and exploit discovered, mid life & late life oil & gas fields.

3 strategic pillars based on which we strive to build our operating philosophy are:

  • Acquisition of O&G Assets through Auctions / Bidding/ Direct Acquisition.
  • M&A of mid or small E&P Companies.
  • Production enhancement opportunities through usage of latest technologies.

Asset Overview

Infinity Natural Resources FZC, Sharjah, UAE has identified various discovered oil and gas fields in USA and Russian Federation. Infinity is also evaluating opportunity in Egypt and India for acquiring discovered oil and gas fields.

USA :  Infinity Natural Resources FZC through its US based subsidiary ( Infinity Oil & Gas Corporation) has acquired 49% stake in the operating company owning the Hub Field located in Marion County, Mississippi, USA. Hub field spread over approximately 6000 acres lease area have 75 existing oil & gas wells besides two water injection wells.

Russian Federation : Infinity Natural Resources FZC through its subsidiary incorporated in Russia is in process of acquiring 51% stake in two oil & gas fields namely Gasha and Selli located within the realm of Middle Caspian Basin Petroleum Province in Dagestan, Russian Federation. The license agreement allows both exploration and production of oil & gas simultaneously. Gasha and Selli fields were discovered during early 1950 and cumulatively produced 4.5 million barrels of oil during the years 1958 to 1975 from 32 wells drilled in both the fields. The total in-place for the two fields is estimated to be in excess of a billion barrels of oil. In addition, Selli field has associated gas.

Dagestan crude oil is of excellent quality and benchmarked as Urals type light oil and of high demand within Dagestan and neighboring countries. Unique geographic location of Dagestan provides opportunity to transport produced crude oil out of the countries through inter-continental pipeline such as Baku-Novorossiysk line with five (5) MMT capacity through Makhachkala Port. Crude Oil can be transported by road to nearby terminals and mini refineries. Larger quantity of Crude Oil generally transported through trains with large container. In longer term BTC (Baku-Tilbsi-Ceyhan) pipeline can be used as one of the transport medium for transporting crude oil produced in Dagestan. Equally, there is a high demand of domestically produced gas for industrial consumers such as fertiliser and local power plant.  Large volume of gas can be transported from Dagestan to Azerbaijan by the newly built gas pipelines. Light and sweet crude of Dagestan can also be swapped to other Caspian countries through its Makhachkala Oil Terminal.

Infinity Natural Resources FZC are also in the process of acquiring stake in Six exploration licenses located in Republic of Komi ,Russia. Fields/Licenses are located in the Timan-Pechora region of Northeast Russia. All  six licenses are  for  25 years combined (exploration and production) period which  expires in year 2046. Negotiation with the operator; Russian Oil Company is in advanced stage

Dagestan Petroleum Provinces areas are essentially located in the Middle Caspian Basin and characterized as Terrek –Caspian petroleum provinces. The Middle Caspian basin occupies a large area between the Great Caucasus fold belt and the southern edge of the Precambrian Russian Craton. With 14.4 billion barrels of oil equivalent (BOE), the Middle Caspian is ranked 27th   among the oil world providences (as USGS, 102 provinces).

Gasha & Selli Fields, Dagestan Republic

Gasha & Selli Fields, Dagestan Republic

Gasha field was discovered in 1956. Commercial oil and gas production commenced from Gasha field in 1957 by testing of Carbonate reservoir of Upper Cretaceous at well 3 which achieved a peak oil production of 1,150 BOPD. The field had produced 3.36 MMbbls of oil with an average water cut of 18% till 1975. Gasha field is a NW-SE trending faulted anticline. Over the Upper Cretaceous surface, the structure size is 15km by 4km.The Gasha Field is further sub divided in to several fault blocks by N-S trending parallel faults / brunched faults. The License for Gasha field cover an area of 80 Sq Kms with In Place Reserve (P-50) 613.2 MMBbl whereas Third Party Audited 2P reserve is 4.85 MMBbls of Oil.

Selli Field was discovered in 1953 and proved to be commercial oil producer from fractured limestone within Mesozoic deposits. The first discovery well produced about 130 TPD Oil with associated gas 275,000 m3 / day. Before the suspension of the production operation due to various reasons approx. 1.5 MMbbl crude oil were produced from Selli field till 1975. More than 80% area of  Selli License is still unexplored and believed to hold have enormous hydrocarbon potential. The License for Selli field cover an area of 114 Sq Kms with In Place Reserve (P-50) 495.47 MMBbl whereas Third Party Audited 2P reserve is 1.2 MMBbls of Oil.

Komi Republic-Six Fields

Komi Republic-Six Fields

Komi Republic-Six Fields, Russian Federation

The Six Fields Cluster – is located at one of the most promising  oil and gas bearing zones either next to or adjacent to the existing oil and gas fields namely  Yaregskoe – Lukoil,  West-Tebukskoe – First oil,  Voyvozhskoe, Nizhne- and Verhne Omrinskoe, Middle-Sed’elskoe, Kabantyvisskoe and Suskinaelskoe.The Cluster has direct access to both road, and rail connections, is linked to both oil and gas pipeline, while electricity power lines are running through it.

Assets are located in the Timan-Pechora region of Northeast European Russia. Assets consist of six licenses in the Timan-Pechora region combined in one Cluster with net land position of 1000 sq.km. All  six licenses are  for  25 years combined (exploration and production) period which  expires in year 2046. Timan-Pechora region is a historic area of one of the main oil and gas exploration and extraction territories of Russia which has a well-developed infrastructure. All major players in the Russian oil and gas industry, such as Lukoil, Rosneft, Gasprom, Neftisa etc, are represented in Komi.

Six field cluster are located within 37-80 km from Ukhta, a major industrial town of the Republic of Komi 1200 km away from Moscow. All necessary infrastructure is available at our sites, while Oil refinery is located in Ukhta, and Gas refinery – in Sosnogork (50 km). Based on experience in Komi it can be confirmed that high level of exploration maturity of the oil and gas deposits  are existing in  our Cluster.

Hub Field, MIssissippi, USA

Hub Field, MIssissippi, USA

Infinity Natural Resources FZC, Sharjah, UAE through its US based subsidiary ( Infinity Oil & Gas Corporation) has acquired 49% stake in the operating company owning the Hub Field located in Marion County, Mississippi, USA. Hub field spread over approximately 6000 acres lease area have 75 existing oil & gas wells besides two water injection wells.

Phase-I work programme starting September 2022  involves working over of 10 existing wells for oil production and hydro fracturing in 5 wells for oil/gas production. Phase-II work programme will involve workover operations in remaining existing wells to enhance oil and gas production. Further development of the Hub field involves acquisition of 3D seismic data leading to drilling of new development wells in 3rd year onwards work programme.